Wednesday, August 26, 2009

H&M magazine Autumn 2009 vs. All the others

This fall it's all about that .....well I don't know what exactly it's all about. The designs are everywhere, hats are in, the "it bag" is out, there are things called hairings (earings made of hair) good gracious what are we doing. We don't know and the magazines are trying to figure it out themselves. So this lead me to this blog. Long story short first, went to H&M Monday, bought a ponte knit dress(grey not black) for 34.95. $238 in Nordy's. Picked up their FREE magazine.
Tossed it in the bag and on my merry way I went.
Just took a peek at it when I got home, and then another and then another. I couldn't put it down. Fashion on every page, statements on every page, trends, stories, on every page. DO you know what wasn't on every page. Advertisements, for face creams, mascara, wrinkle creams, designers clothing that no one can afford and best of all no smelly perfume inserts.
So I decided to weigh H&M against the others to see where one would get the best bang for their buck this fall.
Front cover: I girl, 5 statements all readable
Table of contents, 3 pages in
Editors note page 9
First fashion article page 12
Last fashion article page 82
Pages in between 70 all fashion
Sections clearly labeled, all from Autumn trends, toTrends, Moscow Guide to Interviews
Interesting read, every page
Ripped corners because of postal delivery none, in a nice stand at the store
Photographs, beautiful,
Clothing all wearable
Prices of clothing to reflect the economy : right on target

The Other
Front Cover; Charleze again, 11 statements all running into each other
Table of contents: hang on still looking for it Ok page 146 (prior to that all advertisements) sorry part one of table of contents is on page 136
Editors note: give me another minute.. page 208 in between, advertisements
First fashion article: yeah, ok there isn't one, needless to say then there is not a last one
pages of advertisements, please do not make me count them, the mag. is 586 pages 83% is advertisements, please do the math.
Sections labeled clearly...Most of them
Interesting read: not unless you think a small blip on Katie Holmes new line is worthwhile (NOT)
Ripped corners because of the postal service pages 520 to 586
Photographs; Creative, very creative
Clothing wearable None
Prices of clothing to reflect the state of the economy, None and Anna promised this issue would be cost conscious for the consumer
Cost: By subscription it was 12 for the year, newsstand $4.99

You be the judge..but if I may save yourself some money and get the free one at H&M

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